Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

"I discovered I always have choices, and sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude."
— Judith M. Knowlton, U.S. author

I have never been much of a person for New Year's Resolutions. Items would tend to be too vague, and thus too hard to follow... or so specific and binding that I would beat myself up as soon as I "broke" them. Pondering this, I decided that if I could work on one thing this year, I would like for it to be cultivating and appreciating and living the attitude of gratitude in my life.

The "hows" of this are probably yet to come. But for a habitual worrier like myself, a shift in focus can shine a new glow on 2008. I have much to be grateful for... How about you? Come glow with me in the new year!

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