Monday, July 09, 2007


Like many people, life has increasingly become an exercise in managing the clutter - Especially now that there is "baby clutter" to go with the "mommy and daddy clutter!" Receipts and bills of all kinds, entertainment mags, articles and recipes have morphed their piles to include baby scribbles and parenting mags... among other things. Enter the NeatReceipts Scanalizer... A handy little device that looks like it has a million uses: receipts, recipes, kids artwork... suddenly you can scan and store all these items, and have the ability to use the computer to search for something. This would be quite a boon for someone like me who is known for pulling magazine articles, only to have them swallowed whole by the amorphous mess that has become my bookcase.
Also: H's genealogy project on both the family and the G.A.R. could take an interesting turn if we suddenly had the portable ability to scan both old photos and documents. Much less labor intensive than all the writing in a library that has been going on. The website 5 Minutes for Mom is sponsoring a giveaway of ten NeatReceipts Scanalizers. Check them out!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I hope you don't mind, I have tagged you for a meme.
