Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Mommy Biology

I was commenting to someone just the other day that if I were in charge of little things like oh, say human biology, I would give mothers a little bonus. We all know the changes that come with pregnancy, the whacko hormones and so forth. I think Moms should be gifted with an extra set of adrenal glands that kick into action once the kid arrives. This ensures that we can actually keep up with the little buggers. And I only have one!

It no longer surprises me when there are rather long stretches of time between hearing from my friend Kim. She has five.


Anonymous said...

Five! The thought of five makes me dizzy.

Anonymous said...

5??? Wow, I can barely keep up with 3. Your friend must be superwoman.

Rima said...

And why, oh, why doesn't the old metabolism speed up instead of slowing down, just when you need it to kick into high gear?

Momo Fali said...

I'm suprised you hear from her AT ALL! My husband has 10 brothers and sisters and I can't tell you how many times I've looked at his parents in utter amazement.