Thursday, May 01, 2014

Whoo Are You?

I started this blog after the birth of Daniel (Number 1 Son!) Adrift a bit, I had left a job I had been at nearly 10 years of my life to start the all-consuming one of caring for this tiny human being. It's been a creative outlet, and a place to find my footing as a new Mama. After the birth of Ethan (Hello Number 2 Son!) I again became focused on my two little people, and H, the hubby, and set aside many things. As much as I have always loved writing, I started finding excuses.

Oh, and there was the whole selling and buying a place, moving twice, maximum stress level for a year in there, but I digress...

Excuses aside, to be a writer one must write. And here I am. I've yet to figure the path this is going to take. Continuing to blog here, a revamp of this blog... a whole new one?  Something different? I'm marinating in the not-knowing, and seeing where this will take me. I appreciate you being along for the ride.

"It's like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." ~ E L Doctorow

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